Well, I only managed to complete half of this challenge. I like to draw still life, but I just couldn’t keep up this time between recovering from the concussion and trying to sort out my personal life. Anxiety has been a huge problem, and I’ve found more comfort in looking at art journals and letting the colours soothe me, than in the drawing and painting myself. That’s okay, I need to let myself have what I need instead of forcing it. This first watercolour painting is just some things from my altar. I really like how the glass effect came out on the jar, and I’ve been noticing that candle flames are a rather mellow shape.
Next I painted my Hello Kitty figure that Phrixy gave me. She’s cute, and she sits under my monitor on my desk. Her head should be more squashed; it’s too round in my drawing. But that’s okay. Noticing these things improves my observations for next time.
Maybe I’ll do more of this on my own. I want to get back into regular drawing and painting practice to hone my observation and general skills. Helps for visualization too, so valuable in multiple areas.