So, last month I participated in the Cara Brandon and Friends Facebook challenge. Each week we had to first make a bunch of pockets and such, then a bunch of tags, then collect decorative items to use, and lastely to create at least 15 finished items with all that. I made a TON of bases, because it’s hard to stop once you get going, I find.
On the left you see two pockets made from reused mail envelopes. They have a front pocket, the inner pocket, and then you can attach them to a page to have a tuck spot behind them. The tag below has a pocket on the back and a smaller tag, not pictured.
These are a pair of bellybands which have sliders that go up and down the band. One is for a gothic style book, the other for a pagan-specific book, possibly with a crow/raven theme.
I have to admit, I really love the purples on the right-hand one so much!
This is something I think I’ll make more of. It’s a great scrap busting idea, and doesn’t take much time at all.

Here are two giant tags, each about the size of a half page, almost. The have pockets on the back, which I’ll show next along with the matching pieces.
I’m really inspired by these colours and papers, but I don’t think I have any of the patterened paper left, sadly.

This is the back side of the vintage-coloured giant tag, with the pocket.
It includes a medium and small matching tag, and a sort of journal card made from the tab portion of a file folder. I quite like this set. The paper went really well with the tea-stained file folders I used for many of my bases for this challenge.

Here we have the reverse side of the blue tag with pocket, and the ephemera to match.
The medim tag is to the right, and sitting on top of the pocket are a small tag and a tag-shapped booklet with tea-stained pages inside.
I find this blue colour quite calming, personally.
Lastly are some random bits I made while working on the project.
Top row, far left: a tag made with decoupaged napkin, which is a first for me. It also has a synthtic leaf and a fence die cut.
Top row, middle: a pocket with a tea-stained image from a colouring book and a gem.
Top row, right: a tag with a dicut feather and a real feather sent to me in a long-ago swap.
Bottom, left: a vertical notepad, which mataches the vintage giant pocket.
Bottom, right: a journal card with a print of one of my paintings on the front in black and white, with a tab at the top. It can go into one of the envelope pockets in the first image.
Anyhow, I have several more giant pockets halfway finished with autumnal themes, and one with a peacock paper I’d been hoarding for like… a decade. LOL I’ll get to them in my next creative frenzy.