It seems that “abandoned art” is all the rage among my mail art trading friends lately, and I think it’s a really fun idea. So Chels and I have been busy making our own version of the idea, and of course it involves kitties.
Please do email me at if you’ve found a kitty and would like to comment. Thanks!
Please note that Sharing Kitties are meant to be art, and should not be given to small children or pets to play with. There are small parts such as buttons that can detach and pose a choking hazard. We do not take responsibility to any harm that comes from unintended use.
We make Sharing Kitties with our own supplies, on our own time. If you would like to contribute funds so that we can buy additional supplies for this project, please click the Donate button to send us any amount you choose to help us out.
Our inaugural Sharing Kitties are coming out in celebration of the Mayan Apocalypse/Zombie Apocalypse. They are very limited edition, and will be found around Toronto on December 21, 2012 only (unless they don’t get found today for some reason, and hang around longer. Lo and behold, some of our Zombie A-Paw-Calypse Sharing Kitties!
And on December 24, 2012 we distributed the Christmas Sharing Kitties!
I’ve already started making Valentine themed kitties to share, since I really have enjoyed giving these out and making them.