Secret Solstice, part 2

Secret Solstice Package CupcakeSSPackageYeah, I suck at waiting. My internationals are going to New Zealand and Sweden. I’m posting anyhow, because I doubt they know I have a blog, let alone read it. I had a lot of fun putting these two packages together!
For Lemurkat I made… lemurs! Ringtail lemurs, to be exact. A paperdoll with a Canadian toque and baby, and a meditating lemur bookmark (design to be used in an upcoming project), and a lemur Pez dispenser.

The second package, for Malin Maskros, has a cupcake theme. Plus a mini book, tea from Tim Horton’s, and a bookmark of Frida Kahlo as a mermaid. I like it, strangely enough. Not into Frida myself, but the movie about her life was pretty interesting. I don’t think I’ll be painting a billion Fridas, though.

I’m all raring to go for the next Secret swap! Right now I’m hosting a Summer Witches ATC swap at AFA. Pondering a witchy craft swap too… I think there are enough pagans and new agers there to pull it off. We shall see…

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