Imbolc Cards

Imbolc is a Wiccan holiday at the start of February. I participated in a swap for Imbolc ATCs, so I thought I’d share some images of this frosty sabbat. It’s sometimes mixed up with Candlemas, which is actually Christian and celebrates the purification of Mary, as I understand it. Imbolc is meant to celebrate the quickening of the earth, and is particularly sacred to Brighid.

Candle Maiden and Brighid for Imbolc 2014 by IceKat

Candle Maiden and Brighid for Imbolc 2014 by IceKat

My first card shows a maiden wearing a wreath of candles. The second is of Brighid, who is a precursor of the saint. Brighid is a goddess of healing, crafting/arts, and fire, among other things. Some of her symbols are sheep, candles, wells, and healing mantles. Some folks leave scarves or shawls out for Brighid to bless on Imbolc eve, to be used for healing through the year.

Old Woman Gathering Firewood and Waking the Trees for Imbolc 2014 by IceKat

Old Woman Gathering Firewood and Waking the Trees for Imbolc 2014 by IceKat

My third card shows an old woman gathering firewood. In different cultures she is known by various names, but she is the old woman of winter. The fourth is about waking the trees with song, offerings, and bells or rattles so that they will know to prepare for spring.

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