Just a quick Ostara share. I think it’s cute, and it’s actually up for sale at eBay.ca, or you can contact me if you want the original.
This card depicts two rabbits dancing in the moonlight around a carved megalith or standing stone, which bears a spiral and cross-quarter symbol. These are symbols of rebirth and the equinox respectively. At the base of the stone, someone has left an offering of coloured eggs and hot cross buns. The moon and carvings have glittery detail added by gel pen, and the line work is done with Micron pens. March hares are a ‘thing’ apparently, where the rabbits dance around and sort of box one another. I’ve never really seen it, but I bet it’s on YouTube.
This card is possibly a study for a larger work to come at a later date. I want to work on some different styles in acrylic just to explore and enjoy that sort of painting again.