Weee! A Calico Critters Birthday

Oh yeah, my package from Calico Critters/Sylvanian Families pusher dealer friendly online seller arrived today! I’m so excited! I now have the Macavity family with twins, finished my Persis family, and got some Keats/Buttercup/Cream babies. I now have 20 cats assembled in the livingroom for a photo. You’ll have to see my Calico Critters page to check them out. I know, my birthday’s not for almost a week, but I just had to open the package so they wouldn’t suffocate in there. It was the humane thing to do…

This weekend I’m working on web stuff. The GoddessCraft.ca site is getting a cupcakey makeover to celebrate the upcoming Extravaganza! It’s going to be awesome, I swear! Though I’m tired of my desk being covered in cupcake chunkies for now… I keep having an avalanche because they’re… chunky.

I’ll also try to finish some other projects for the Cupcake Art Extravaganza, and my friend Jeanie’s website… which I will link to when it’s launched. It looks chic in black now. You’ll see.

Also I have some ATC swaps to complete. I need to scan and post some stuff to share here and over on Facebook. That’s it for now. Must sleep so we can adventure tomorrow to the library, our new Dollarama and the Occult Shop (haven’t seen the new location yet).


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