
It has been all about cupcakes in here for the last little while. Why? I have never been much inspired to do cupcake art, except for my cattycakes, so why all this frosting flingin’ and sprinkles? I’ll tell you why: is hosting a Cupcake Extravaganza, which means there is more cupcake arts and crafts about to hit the fan than you can shake a wooden spoon at! And you know what? Drawing all those froofy frosted cupcakes has actually been kinda fun.

We were up one night making felt cupcake ornaments. Phrixy was cutting them out and I was stitching those buggers together and putting on the glitz, and we had a blast. And that’s just one of the playstations we have planned for the Extravaganza (read: ex-trah-vah-gahnzah!) LOL

Felt cupcake ornaments by IceKat and Phrixy

So these were fun… The black and white and red ones are in honour of The Night Circus, a book we both just read. Definitely a good read, if you like magic and carnivals.

I know, we need a brighter, jazzier photo of these felt cupcakes. My skills in this poor lighting are not done any justice, even if they are just blanket stitched around the edges and embellished with beads and such. But you get the idea.

There’s also going to be a cupcake chunky swap at our Extravaganza, and you can play even if you don’t attend. Cool huh? I’ll put up links when it’s all ready to launch, but for now, just keep an eye on


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