Poet’s good so far

Poor little Poet started out this adventure at only 6 lbs. She’s a wee kitty, as her mother was/is. She came home again at a mere 4.5 lbs, and so we’ve been trying to encourage her to eat more. She looks really hollow between the ribs and hind legs, it’s awful. Anyhow, she seems to be recovering well, and has been a clingy thing with Chels. Except when it’s medicine time, of course. Then she hides under the bed.

She’s been really good about not messing with her stitches, which look like she’s being given a new bellybutton. lolĀ  We got some bandanas just in case we might have to put a little bandana top on her to keep her from licking like we did with Parsa, but she hasn’t needed it so far.

At the end of the week we’ll make an appointment to get her stitches out and see if she’s gained any weight. It’s a bit scary having her so tiny like that, in case she does get sick. At any rate, she’s doing well so far, and we’re beyond relieved!

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