Secret Halloweenies

I just love getting things in the mail! I guess that’s a big part of why I love doing mail art and swapping with people all over the world. It might be fun to go through my ATCs and stuff, and mark on a map where I have received from… One day. Not today. lol

I thought I’d show off what I received from my senders in the Secret Halloween swap at iATCs. Just to be clear, in this swap you get different senders to you than who you send to. So it’s a surprise all the way around. I sent to TheMuppet and Els, both of whom I just adore so it was really fun to craft for them. I got packages back from GoodMorningStarshine and CatPratt.

Secret Halloween From CatPratt

Secret Halloween From CatPratt

CatPratt sent to me the handmade cuff, some textile and fibers scraps, beads, postcards of her art, Stardust gel pens, and a handmade stamp of my website URL. So awesome!

Secret Halloween from GoodMorningStarshine

Secret Halloween from GoodMorningStarshine

GMS put her items into a cute Halloween bag, and sent me CANDY! and a mixed media witch on a pumpkin, an owl chunky page, a URL stamp in my beloved Neverwinter font, a chain of hearts which is going on the album I’m making, pumpkin straw, spider, pumkin cutout… I put a bunch of this stuff on my altar for the season. 🙂 So fun! And I’ve never had a Heath bar, so that was yummy! I love hard toffee.

Anyhow, I’ve been working on some other things around here. Currently I have a mini album obsession and I’ve been watching tutorials while I make an album for me and Phrixy. We’ve never even printed out our wedding photos or anything, so I thought it was about time to do something for us for a change. I’ll put up some photos of my stuff later.

We’ve been playing around on, and you know what? It’s no scam. You post up things you love and wish on things other people have put up, and if you get enough wishes you can get a discount or an Amazon gift card. For reals. We’ve gotten over $200 worth between us already, and have been ordering art supplies to go to Phrixy’s mom’s house. She’s going to send us the box of stuff soon! Yay, art supplies! For free-ish. Well, shipping from US to Canada, but still. So excited!

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