Here’s my first batch of Drawlloween 2017 cards. I guess technically I only had to draw, not paint, but I like things to seem finished.
These are prompts 2 and 1 on the top row (Summon Day and Return from the Dead), and prompts 5 and 4 on the bottom (Full Moon Follies and Pumpkin Wicked This Way Comes).
Trying to do a bunch of witchy things in particular this time around, as the prompts allow. Because I can. I’m a bit sad that I didn’t get around to the #summerwitchsona prompt yet, and we’re into autumn, but I guess I can do it any time I want. Or so Phrixy says.
Below is the Drawlloween calendar we’re following this year for iATCs. Last year I got all the awards for doing completing it, so I feel like I need to keep up that streak now. lol Anyhow, I printed this out and I’m crossing them off like a bingo card.