Got my birthday money and blew it at Michaels! I can’t wait to make planner and Book of Shadows stuff. Cosmic/starry night/purple is my jam lately.
Dark Rainbow is one of my most fave paper stacks ever so I got 2! The glossy cosmic cover on the left is a letter sized scrap book I just had to have (it says Don’t Forget to Sparkle). I’m thinking of making it into some sort of BOS project, because 1 (or 5) just isn’t enough for me. There’s also a mermaid/beach stack called Just Beachy (to the left of Dark Rainbow) which was too pretty not to bring home. Chipboard covers and rings (bottom right) are in a 2-pack which just called to be played with. A little fantasy sticker pack called I Freakin’ Love Stickers is near the middle; a starry notebook that says ‘dreamer’ is to the right of that, and a couple sticker wallets (black) with stickers inside are to the left.
Not pictured is a tortoiseshell plastic cover notebook from the dollar store, which I got because it reminded me of leopard print.

Anyhow, I broke into the paper stacks to molest the prettiness, but the rest will have to wait for now. I have a proofing client this week, now that I’m over pink eye again and can see the damn screen without ice picks seeming to jab my eye.