Custom Envelopes and Paperclips

Some of these are entirely my own design, and some were made with digital paper kits from Etsy. I’ll try to remember to link the shop when I have a moment to look it up. I got some envelope templates from Shutterstock, and used them to create my own easy to use Photoshop templates for customizing with my own artwork, for adding to journals and such. I tried to divide them by source to avoid confusion.

This first set is entirely from the digital kit, with the bottom one using an effect from a separate kit.


This set is a combination. The Ouija board with planchette is from Shutterstock, the moonwater bottle and dish are my own art (watercolour) but the background is from the same digital kit as above. You can see it’s the same as behind the owl.

I really like the shape of this money envelope. The bottom tab on the back has the same shape as the top flap, so it looks pretty from the back as well when it’s closed up.

You’ll see below that I use the extra space on the printed pages to make faux stamps and postcards.

These envelopes feature my own artwork. Bastet is from an acrylic painting that still hangs on my wall. I think one day I’d like to give her a tail, but this is it for now.

The other is called Sunbathing, and it’s my most popular design on Cafe Press! It makes a cute envelope I think. The seashell on the flap came from Shutterstock, and it’s just there to fill up space and make the back pretty when the flap is shut.

I really love how these came out.

Next we have some paperclips using the stamps and postcards I made. The first set are from the digital kit. The moth got lots of play here, but also a dangling moon and star. You can also see the dangling moon in my moonwater envelope.

Lastly are the ones featuring my own artwork. Bastet, Sunbathing, and a triple moon candle are joined by the Ouija board and planchette from above.
You’ll notice that the large moth on the right as well as Sunbathing are both printed as postcards, and I think they came out nicely. The moth is a bit dark to see the postcard markings, but they’re quite clear on the catfish because of the lighter colours.

All in all, I’m really pleased with how these came out. I might create some specifically for a book of shadows printable or something like that. I really enjoyed making them! And digital products are much easier to manage for online sales. Time to update my Etsy!

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