Jar of Hearts

So I’m all jazzed about a new swap I’m doing over at AFA… Jar of Hearts. The players are all making hearts to send in, I swap ’em around and send them back. The idea being that you can fill up a jar of hearts at the end. I’m doing ornaments while I’m at it, and plan to make a jar of hearts to give to my mom to hand out to her visitors over the holidays.  Here’s what I’ve got so far…

needlework hearts by IceKat

Needlework hearts for my Jar of Hearts swap.

The two painted hearts at the top are for holiday ornaments. The left is for my mom, the right is me and Phrixy with our kitties.  The other hearts have embroidery, beads, charms, buttons, ribbon, etc. These are only a few, since I’ll need at least 10 for the swap and a whole jarful for my mom. Don’t know if she’ll like the idea of it, but I thought it was cute, and nice to have little things to give out when there will be lots of guests around. *shrug* Some might end up on Etsy or eBay…

And in the midst of all that, plus holiday crafting in general, I’m doing some little trades at AFA for cross stitch and other items for my dollhouse in exchange for ATCs and 4x4s, etc. Busy, busy. I’ve completed 4 cards to trade away for some cross stitch items. People are making me wall hangings, pillows, little blanket pieces, micro crochet plushies…

The water swap is coming along too. 4 people’s cards have arrived!

So far Zazzle has been a washout. I spent a bunch of time making products only to not have them load. Very disappointing. I might poke at it some more but for now my focus is back on handmaking things.

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