Strut! Newsletter Sign Up Now Available

Okay, I’m ridiculously proud of myself. Today I worked through adding a newsletter sign up to the sidebar of this blog. Take a look, it’s right over there at the top right of the page, in the sidebar. Nifty, huh? I feel like a big-girl blogger now. LOL

So, pride aside, I’d now like to invite you to sign up for my newsletter. Don’t worry, it’s not an everyday-drive-you-nutso thing. Probably never more than monthly at the most. I’ll try to include what I’ve been up to, where you can find my work, and shoot some exclusive discounts and bonuses your way. There may even be contests just for my loyal newsletter subscribers! This is something I’m still working on, so please feel welcome to make suggestions or ask me questions. I’d love to talk to talk to my fans!

Oh, and I’ve been working on more BOS pages. I think you’ll all LOVE them. I know I do. I know I’ve been mysterious about it, but there will be some photos soon and I’ll be working out freebies and packages as I accummulate more designs.

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