When it rains…

SuperDeb by IceKat… it pours. Or so it seems. Amongst other angsty things, my aunt has died of cancer complications. She was only 59, and I’ve always thought of her as a superhero. She always did whatever it took to get by, to make sure her kids had everything they could ever want, to help. She took me in after my divorce, and in my lifetime we’ve spent a great many hours talking. She’s always been a willing ear, and a center of socialization in our family. Anyhow, I’ll miss her a whole lot, and I’ll miss her silly songs. I’m working on an art journal page to write down my thoughts and feelings about what’s happened, and there will be a little SuperDeb drawing there. I may post it here, not sure.

I don’t have a copy of the little painting I did for her, but it was for her alone, so that’s okay. It was koi fish swimming around. Calico koi.

Swim said the mama fishy, swim said we, and we swam, and we swam all over the dam…

Cheshire Tea by IceKatThis is s quick little watercolour for in a deco I received. Trying to catch up on these while I take a breather and try to recover from all the sadness and hard times lately. They’re easy little one-off pieces instead of the series you have to do for swaps, so they are getting done as I find a moment of inspiration. This particular one is about Tea, so I couldn’t resist doing the Cheshire cat. I like to draw him a lot.

I’ve got a wooden tea box that I’d really like to paint up with an Alice in Wonderland theme, one day. Ah, one day…

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