NaNoWriMo Winner

It was my first year doing NaNo, and I won! Admittedly, I had a strong sense of where the story was going, so getting my daily word count in wasn’t too painful at all. I mean, I used to write RP lines for hours on end, and didn’t sweat it. I didn’t exactly plot this one out, and some scenes were just tossed onto the end of my count so I didn’t waste time figuring out where they needed to go. I can just slot them in when I do my revision, and add anything needed to smooth it into place. I watched a lot of people switch from pantsers to plotters in the S&S NaNo group from having beats to work from. I can see the value. I think just having worked out my story in advance really helped. There weren’t any mysteries to solve for mid-writing, so there’s that.

I really like the daily writing habit, and the word count stacked up nicely. My story is longer than the required 50k to win, but that will come as I revise and add more scenes so things aren’t too A-B-C. I sort of took the direct route with the narrative so as not to get lost on the way when I was on a deadline. Now I can fluff it at my leisure.

I think I may do this again on my own to get some momentum going with my books. Prior to this I’d had quite a hiatus with the writing, albeit to load up my Etsy shop… Still, I love writing, and I want to do it more often. 🙂

Oh, and this was all for book 2 of the Sacrifice (Tash and Jhody) series, which I don’t have a name for yet.

Update: Last week I sold the Kodama TN from my shop! Yay!

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