Lady of Self Blessing

I’ve been a bit behind on watching the current Women Unleashed sessions, but I knew I should push myself to do it before they expire. I always find something helpful to my progress in understanding myself. It’s been a slog for me again, having had to deal with some personal truths and the need for time to rest and heal. It’s been difficult to process and accept. But it’s where I’m at.

Self Blessing WIP1It shouldn’t be surprising that Shiloh Sophia’s session where we created our Lady of Self Blessing is just what I needed right now. To accept that I’m worthy of blessings bestowed upon myself is even harder than to accept blessings from others. So I am sitting with this piece and letting it develop as it will. The most was done as I watched the video and after while I listened to another both last night, and then today I worked in the inked lines. There’s a lot more to do, I feel, but it will come as it will.

Self Blessing WIP2I really like her expression and the tilt of her face. She includes all the four elements: fire hair and lion ears (the lion is a personal totem as well); water chalice at the heart; air wings because I can fly when I don’t drag myself down; and the roses are earthly beauty and grounding. I’m planning to decorate her with Mendhi patterns, maybe as a garment.

I folded the sides in so she can stand up or be folded for safe keeping and then presented when I feel the need for the sacred self, but I’m leaning toward cutting down the sides to follow the wing shapes. Because I can, and it’s interesting. But I don’t want to do that yet until I’m sure I’m done with the shapes around the head.

The spiral at her throat is for speaking my truth, and the semi colon is because I will go on–I have more to say and I’m not done yet.  The photo isn’t the best angle, but that’s okay. I’ll take another when I’m done to show her off. 🙂

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