Category Archives: arts & crafts

MORE Doctor Who happenin’

So I was lucky enough to get an extension for this Doctor Who swap, because AnnD is awesome. I had made my cards, happily covered my water dish for painting, and went to enjoy a hot bath. While I was … Continue reading

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Pocket Letters and Doctor Who, OMG

I think I’m a bit obsessed with pocket letters. I discovered it on YouTube recently and watched SO MANY videos about how to make pocket letters and the do-dads you put in them and on them, and OMG. Like I … Continue reading

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Another Round of Decos

I finally got off my butt and dug out the small pile of deco books I’ve been hoarding. I completed one for CatPratt, Through the Heart, with an image of the 3 of Swords tarot card. Forgot to scan it, … Continue reading

Posted in arts & crafts, ATCs & Deco Books, drawing and painting, mini albums, swaps | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Still Life Saturdays

Well, I only managed to complete half of this challenge. I like to draw still life, but I just couldn’t keep up this time between recovering from the concussion and trying to sort out my personal life. Anxiety has been … Continue reading

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Trees Challenge

Still recovering from the concussion, and I haven’t been able to focus very well. I did manage to get the Illustrated ATCs 10 days of trees challenge completed, though. Surprisingly. I separated my trees into batches, which helped. The first … Continue reading

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Amerasu’s Cats Swap

My kitties for Amerasu‘s cat swap on iATCs. First is my sweetie, Pixie, taking a nap. The middle is a concept piece for Noosh and the Magic Teahouse. Lastly is a black cat doing some remedial reading, and it’s called … Continue reading

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May is Zombie Awareness Month

No, really, it is. Apparently, most zombie movies seem to take place in May (at least used to), and so someone declared May to be Zombie Awareness month. There are even rubber bracelets, for reals. So I held a zombie … Continue reading

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These are some cards and a bookmark I made for Sandra in exchange for a couple items for Phrixy’s birthday. Top Secret! Not so crazy about the fox, but the rest I like.

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Witches and Their Familiars Swap

I finally finished these three ATCs Friday night on our visit to Tim’s for hot chocolate and pumpkin muffins.  I’m hosting a Witches and Their Familiars swap at ATCs For All. It’s probably best that I actually put up my … Continue reading

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Falling behind on my posting once again… First is a hoodie I painted for my wife for Christmas. It’s a Doctor Who/Welcome to Nightvale mashup. If she doesn’t wear it soon, I’m going to steal it back and wear it … Continue reading

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