Author Archives: icekat


Oh look, I made a travelers notebook with puffins for my mom, in the midst of writing for NaNoWriMo! I didn’t include all the extra goodies I normally would, since my mom’s not a planner gal. It has the cover … Continue reading

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And so it begins…

Update: November 5th–I made some cards to add to Mom’s Christmas gift, and I’ve completed 5 days of NaNoWriMo, bringing my #100DaysofShenanigans total to 53. I’m over halfway there!

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Blessed Samhain and Breaking Limiting Beliefs

I was invited to join a Facebook group with some writer friends about smashing our limiting beliefs surrounding creativity. So we’ve spent the month noting what they are, how they came about, and so on. Being the list maker I … Continue reading

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100 Days up to Day 47

I really got behind on my record keeping for this project. I’ve been making notes on my tracking sheet when I remember. I’m at day 45, so far as I can tell. I did the Lifebook Summit, and I’m counting … Continue reading

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Days 21 to 30 of #100Days

Days 21, 22, and 25: Pagan ephemera folders, made with beautiful autumn papers! I don’t know which I like best, but I made a special trip to Michaels to look for this paper pad! I love it so hard! I … Continue reading

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Days 12 to 20 of #100Days

Day 12: More cards for my mom’s gift, on the left. There are handmade envelopes behind the cards. The butterfly cutouts were made with a die. On the right are some mini envelopes made with a new die that came … Continue reading

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100 Days of Shenanigans

I need to get my butt in gear, so I decided that joining some challenges might help. Lately I’ve been dragging my ass about working on my art and writing, and I really want to get things launched. I let … Continue reading

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I won!

Today I got my prize pack in the mail from Deborah Blake, in celebration of her upcoming Cat Magic book! Look at all the fun she jammed into the envelope! There’s a Witch’s colouring book, a notebook, a broom pen, … Continue reading

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Lady of Self Blessing

I’ve been a bit behind on watching the current Women Unleashed sessions, but I knew I should push myself to do it before they expire. I always find something helpful to my progress in understanding myself. It’s been a slog … Continue reading

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Inking at Albert’s

It’s stinkin’ hot today, but Daniela dragged me down to Albert’s, a Jamaican restaurant at the end of the street. She wanted to use their wifi to update her phone, and I took the opportunity to work on inking the … Continue reading

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